Small Animal Treatment Area

Medical and diagnostic procedures as well as anesthetic induction are all performed in the treatment room.

This area has an ultrasound, an emergency cart, anesthetic machines, oxygen, nitrogen(for our dental drill), intravenous pumps and exam lighting. Some of the diagnostic tools here are tonometry, otoscopes, opthalmoscopes, blood pressure cuffs, pulse ox (to measure oxygen saturation), ECG and a wood's lamps.

There are 3 kennels for "ICU" cases as well as surgical recovery.

The "wet table" is used for dentals, wound care and other messy jobs. Here an animal is being prepped for a dental procedure.

The dry table handles everything else. Animals needing blood tests, treatments or surgeries all spend time in this area.

The lab area is equipped with automated hematology and chemistry machines as well as culture and cytology.

Surgical tools are also prepped here. They are manually cleaned, ultrasonically cleaned, wrapped in packs and finally steam sterilized in an autoclave.